New Delhi:EROS TIMES: Dinesh Mohaniya, Vice Chairman of Delhi Jal Board’s said, “A comprehensive quality test of 4204 samples collected from across the city proves that Delhi’s water is fit to drink”, in Press Conference held at Delhi Secretariat on Wednesday. While presenting the details of the test results, he termed the earlier BIS report as a mischievous effort to malign the Delhi government just before the elections and serve the commercial interests of the RO manufacturers.
“Strictly following the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and in the presence of media, Delhi Jal board collected 4204 samples i.e. five each from every municipal ward in Delhi. The sample rate aligns with the WHO norms i.e. one sample per 10000 people.
The names, phone numbers, and addresses of every sample household were recorded to ensure transparency in the process. The sealed samples were tested in the laboratories of the Delhi Jal Board on 29 parameters.
Among the 4204 samples, 4128 proved ‘Satisfactory’, and 76 samples proved ‘Unsatisfactory’. The high rate of satisfactory samples (98.19) is comfortably within the WHO norms i.e. 96%. Only 1.81% of the samples turned to be unsatisfactory”, said Dinesh Mohaniya while detailing the findings.
“The percentage of ‘Satisfactory’ samples from every water production centre/treatment plants as follows: Wazirabad (95.71%), Haiderpur (100%), TYR Tahirpur (94.33%), Nangloi (99.47%), Dwarka (98.40%), Bawana (100%), Greater Kailash (100%) and Okhla (100%)” as per the report says Mohaniya.
“BIS data shows that it didn’t follow the SOP and even violated the norms of WHO to conclude that Delhi’s water is not potable by testing just 11 samples. BIS collected these samples in an unscientific way without transparency.
As everyone later came to know, it even made false claims on the said sample collection and announced in hurry that water in Delhi is not drinkable.
In fact this report was a mischievous effort to malign the Delhi government just before the assembly elections and serve the commercial interests of the RO manufacturers.
In an appeal to quash an NGT order in the Supreme Court, RO manufacturers quoted the BIS report.” Dinesh Mohaniya added.
“With its misadventure to prove Delhi’s piped water is not potable, BIS sacrificed its institutional credibility.
BIS has lost its face irreversibly. How people will rely on its standard formulations? BIS being a repute agency should not get into political and commercial intrigues”, Mohaniya said.
While answering to the journalists’ questions on the joint committee to test the quality of water in Delhi, Dinesh Mohaniya asked “How can we trust BIS which collected water samples from Minister’s and party workers houses as well as made false claims on the collection of water sample? “BIS doesn’t have its own labs, it conducts the test in the labs of RO manufacturers.
How can we expect a fair deal? For RO manufacturers, it is essential to prove that Delhi’s water is not potable, so that they can sell more RO purifiers in Delhi.” he added.